About Us

Who is Community Action Partnership of Natrona County?

CAPNC is a public organization. We were established in 1983 as a commission under the Natrona County Board of Commissioners to coordinate and assess human service needs in our community.  In 2000 we were reorganized as a tri-partite board in order to become of Community Action Agency. This change allowed us to begin providing direct services, as well continue to be the human service coordinating agency in Casper and Natrona County. Community Action Agencies (CAA) were created by the federal government in 1964 to combat poverty in geographically designated areas to reduce or eliminate poverty.  CAA seek to involve the community, including elected public officials, private sector representatives, and especially residents who may be experiencing or have experienced homelessness or poverty. CAA relies on these individuals in assessing local needs and attacking the causes and conditions of poverty.

To address the socio-economic impacts experienced by individuals affected by poverty or homelessness through the delivery of coordinated care and barrier removal strategies, to improve the health and wellness of all our neighbors in Natrona & Converse County.

A Community Action Agency:

  • Has received designation as a CAA either from the local government under the provisions of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, or from the state under the Community Service Block Grant Act of 1981;
  • Is recognized as an eligible entity as defined in the CSBG Act and can receive funding from the state under the Community Service Block Grant;
  • Has a governing board consisting of at least one-third democratically selected representatives of the low-income population, one third local public officials or their designees, and the remainder representatives of business, industry, labor, religious, social welfare, and other private groups in the community, and
  • Belongs to a national network of similar agencies, the majority of which received their initial designation, federal recognition and funding under the amended Economic Opportunity Act of 1964.

A CAA carries out its mission through a variety of means, which include community-wide assessments of needs and strengths, comprehensive anti-poverty plans and strategies, provision of a broad range of direct services, mobilization of financial and non-financial resources, advocacy on behalf of people living in poverty, and partnerships with other community-based organizations to eliminate poverty. CAA’s always involve individuals with lived experience in the planning, administering, and evaluating of programs.

Most poverty-related organizations focus on a specific area of need, such as job training, health care, housing, or economic development. CAA reach out to low-income people in their communities, address their multiple needs through a comprehensive approach, develop partnerships with other community organizations, involve clients in the agency’s operations, and administer a full range of coordinated programs designed to have a measurable impact on poverty.

Community Action Partnership of Natrona County (CAPNC) has earned the trust and confidence of the public through years of ethical, honest and responsible charitable service. We believe the continued success of CAPNC depends upon the conduct of its employees, board of directors and volunteers. 

Further we believe that CAPNC should be a model for other nonprofit organizations by adhering to high standards of performance, professionalism, service to our communities, and ethical conduct. 

This code of ethics is adopted as a governing policy for all of our operations and represents the fundamental values of CAPNC. 

Personal Integrity 

  • We value truthfulness and strive to avoid misrepresentation. 
  • We strive for fairness and objectivity in our deliberations and decision-making. 
  • We seek to ensure that confidential or privileged information is used only as intended. 
  • We strive to be inclusive and embrace diversity in all of our activities. 
  • We are committed to the concept of equal opportunity for all and rewarding meritorious behavior. 
  • We respect the dignity of every person with whom we have contact. 


Organizational Excellence 

  • We honor and embrace the partnership of volunteer and staff as we work to advance the mission of CAPNC. 
  • We strive for operational excellence at CAPNC in recognition that to do less violates our public trust. 
  • We pledge as volunteers and staff to exercise good stewardship. 
  • We will not condone coercive or unscrupulous behavior in any of our business dealings with volunteers, staff, donors, clients or vendors. 
  • We pledge to deal with vendors without bias or preferential treatment. 
  • We pledge to provide a working environment where open communications and diversity of opinions are welcomed and encouraged. 
  • We strive to encourage growth and personal development for each of our employees. 



  • We pledge to efficiently collect and maintain accurate information regarding all aspects of our operations. 
  • We pledge to fully disclose all information legally defined as public information and to provide fair and accurate reports on how funds are used to strengthen the programs we deliver. 


Conflict of Interest 

As volunteers and staff of CAPNC we pledge to disclose our personal interests and when appropriate to refrain from participating in or influencing any decision that would provide a direct personal advantage to us or any member of our families. 


Personal Gain 

  • As staff and volunteers we pledge not to accept any gratuity for favor in return for duties performed on behalf of CAPNC from parties that may have benefited materially from our decisions. 
  • As staff and volunteers we agree to refrain from accepting food, travel, or entertainment that is directly related to CAPNC business decisions. 
  • As staff and volunteers we agree not to use CAPNC resources to advance material personal or business interests. 


Employment Practices 

  • We expect that each employee will be treated with respect free from verbal or physical harassment. 
  • We pledge to be an equal opportunity employer that hires on merit and without regard to age, creed, disability, gender, marital status, military status, national origin, race, religion, or sexual preference. 



  • CAPNC will not place a person in a staff position where their performance would be managed by a relative (by blood or marriage). 
  • We will avoid selecting a consultant or vendor who is relative, close personal friend, employee or is associated with a relative, close personal friend, based primarily on that relationship 


CAPNC Equity Statement/The Values of Community Action Partnership 

  • We believe all people should be treated with dignity and respect and recognize that structural race, gender, and other inequities remain barriers that must be addressed. 
  • We believe that this nation has the capacity and moral obligation to ensure that no one is forced to endure the hardships of poverty. 
  • We believe that with hope, adequate resources and opportunities, everyone can reach their fullest potential, and we are committed to achieving that vision. 
  • We pledge ourselves to creating an environment that pursues innovation and excellence through multi-sector partnership and collaboration. 

We believe all people should be treated with dignity and respect and recognize that structural race, gender, and other inequities remain barriers that must be addressed.

We believe that this nation has the capacity and moral obligation to ensure that no one is forced to endure the hardships of poverty.

We believe that with hope, adequate resources and opportunities, everyone can reach their fullest potential, and we are committed to achieving that vision.

We pledge ourselves to creating an environment that pursues innovation and excellence through multi-sector partnership and collaboration.

Our Programs

Health Care for the Homeless

Your patient-centered medical home.
Go to HCH


Increasing access to SSI/SSDI by assisting individuals who are:

  • Experiencing homelessness
  • Diagnosed with a mental illness
  • Medically impaired
  • Diagnosed with dual disorders
  • Family Stabilzation Services

  • Addresses immediate emergency needs
  • Considers basic human needs: housing, utilities, food and transportation
  • Supports an individual's or family’s progress toward financial stability and self-sufficient

  • Each situation is addressed on an individual basis, considering the need, funding, and outlook of financial stability.


    Offers financial and vocational support to families moving from proverb to self-sufficiency by helping them gain vocational skills that will enable participants to obtain and retain employment.


    606 South David St.
    Casper, WY 82601

    (307) 232-0124